I feel like included so much detail on the first one that I'm not sure what to include here. I'm sure i'll think of something :)
With the exception of Beth, this was my first time working with Janae, Dominika and Natasha.
As I mentioned in "SPLATTER 1", there were so many images that were captured during this session that I didn't feel it would do it justice to post them all in one blog, plus it was getting late and I was growing very, very restless.
The second part of this series features images from Beth and Natasha. By the time we started shooting these two models my assistants and myself were in such a groove that you would think that you were listening to a bunch of kids out on the playground. The paint was flowing, the music was loud and the laughter even louder. We were all having such a great time that none of us wanted it to end.
...a quick break for lunch as we were back at it.
I really must commend all the models that participated in this series. It wasn't easy to say the least and the only thing that was hot was the results of the images. It turned out to be one of the coldest days of the year (until today) and it took some time for the studio to get warm or at least to a comfortable temperature. However, each model put on their game face and brought it.
After we wrapped the shoot I couldn't wait to sit down and go through all the images to select my favorites. This process normally takes some time as I typically comb through the images several times narrowing each models images to my top 7 or 8 images and then down to 5. One of my take aways from this project is that not every idea will work or turn out the way that you anticipated so you have to be willing to step outside your game plan and fly blind. I say that because when we shot Natasha I decided that she would be the model with the red paint. After shooting several takes, the red paint wasn't as impactful as I had originally hoped, so instead of strapping the idea we improvised :) My assistants came up with the idea to maybe use two colors instead of one and MY GOD it turned out perfectly!!! Thanks Brian and David.
Lighting setup: For this setup I used a 3 light setup: Two rim lights (gridded), a large octobox boomed high and a silver reflector to soften the shadows underneath the models chin. Tethered to my iMac.
Again, this shoot wouldn't have been successful without the support of my AMAZING TEAM!
Hair/Makeup: Donnie of IC Beauty
Models: Dominika, Janae, Beth and Natasha
My awesome assistants: Ross, Brian, David and Wendy
Location: DWPStudios
#chasingdreams #bowdownproductions #teamDWP
Stay tuned for all the crazy BTS images and videos...coming soon!
...and here are the results
"I REALLY enjoyed working with Dimitri and his team on this shoot. The energy was through the roof! It was much needed because it takes an incredible amount of focus to nail a good shot with all the elements (ie. Wet paint being thrown, fixing hair/makeup touch ups in between takes). I also appreciated Dimitri's level of professionalism. I would have no problem recommending or working with him again. Thanks Dimitri!!" - Natasha Wiley (pictured below)
Thank you for checking out my blog!
So..there were so many images that were captured during this session that I decided to break the blog up into 2 separate post followed by a BTS blog explaining some of the technical stuff. Make sure you check back to review Part 2 and the BTS blogs!!!
Where do I begin - Like most creative photographers we have a black book of "ideas we would like to accomplish" throughout our career. I am no different. My list is extremely long but i'm starting to knock them out slowly but surely. I don't think people really understand what goes into planning a concept and ensuring that you have all the necessary pieces in order to make it SUCCESSFUL. Let me break it down for you.
1st - I reviewed my "Easy as pie" list (yes - that's what my list is called. Some refer to it as a "bucket list") to determine what concept I wanted to execute first, and being the indecisive CANCER that I am - this was not an easy task. After going round and round and round in my thought process I finally decided on "Splatter".
2nd - I reached out to my team and advised them of the concept to get their feedback. All thumbs up! So let's roll.
3rd - Now the planning begins. How many models will I need? Will I need an assistant or two or three? Location? What color paint did I want to use? Which color would work best for what skin tone. So many questions. In my search for the perfect models for this project, I decided to put out a Casting Call on Facebook and Instagram. After reviewing COUNTLESS emails, my team and I collectively narrowed it down to our TOP 4 models. Notified the models that were selected and provided all the details needed for the day of the shoot.
4th - Assistants (extra hands) Luckily for me, I know a few good photographer that also happen to be really good friends. In thinking about the overall concept and what was needed I decided to select 3 assistants.
5th - After all the minor details where in tact (LOL) I sat down with my team and we finalized everything that we would need to pull this off.
6th -The last few days before the project I spent running errands to gather supplies and other items needed; like snacks, buckets, paint, tarps, tarps, and more tarps. lol I begin preparing the studio for tomorrow's shoot.
The night before a big shoot is always the worse for me. I can never sleep due to all the excitement and my mind is running a million miles a minute making sure I didn't forget anything important. Finally, I'm able to relax just hours before my alarm goes off.
Our first model arrived on location at 9am along with my 3 assistants shortly thereafter. After introducing her to the team we go straight to hair and makeup. While all that is taking place, my assistants and I continue preparing the studio for the shoot. Strategically planning how and where things would be hung, taped and clamped - we are just about ready to shoot. Of course we couldn't let models have all the fun, so they covered themselves in large trash bags and quickly became my test lighting subjects. Lighting checked :) As you could imagine we quickly got carried away, but our playtime was short-lived as our first model was now ready. As we began shooting - the rest of the models began to trickle in. They all sat by and watched as they knew that they would be the next victim ( i mean model) that would be "splattered" next. bahahahahaha! After shooting just a few frames - the team and I instantly knew these images where going to be in the running as some of our favorites.
Each of the models can attest to the fact that this concept was fun albeit challenging...however, they each did an AMAZING job! it's not easy having water thrown at your face while trying not to blink nor move. #BEASTMODE
As the photographer for this concept - I am completely overwhelmed at how things turned out. I simply couldn't have asked for a better team of people to work with. I can't thank you all enough for believing in my vision. I'm humbled.
There are soooo many details that I can write surrounding that day but i'll get to what you all want to see and that's the final images.
Of course, none of this would have been possible without the support of my AMAZING TEAM!
Hair/Makeup: Donnie of IC Beauty
Models: Dominika, Janae, Beth and Natasha
My awesome assistants: Ross, Brian, David and Wendy
Location: DWPStudios
#chasingdreams #bowdownproductions #teamDWP
...and here are the results.
(ABOVE) "When I first met Dimitri, prior to our shoot, I knew that working with him will be fun and stress-free. He is a very easy going person, who is absolutely dedicated and passionate about photography. Our first shoot together was not an easy one, concept wise. However, his cheerful personality and patience made the process a lot easier. I'm looking forward to working with Dimitri in the future, combining DWP's and Bow Down's creativity." -Dominika with BowDown
WOW...is it 2015 already? Where did last year go? I hope that each and every one that is reading this is off to a great and blessed new year. Last year I sucked at blogging - not from lack of wanting too, but time just got away from me. This year my goal is to complete at least one blog per month :) so with that being said...here's #1.
I'm super excited to FINALLY get this blog completed. I shot this series in August of 2014. Yup, I know #Slacker. I've went back and forth a million times on whether to post this series in black and white or color and finally decided on black and white. Trust me, the color version is pretty cool too.
With this series we wanted to do something edgy and dramatic with LOTS of shadows. In order to accomplish this I really had to play around with my lighting (D loves his lighting...lol). After several setups and test shots, I finally decided on just using two strip boxes to create my rim light. Simple enough, right?
The model for this session was Lindsey, who was perfect for this concept.
Hair/Makeup was done by the amazing Gia Peebles of Aura Salon & Boutique (make sure to click the link and like them on FB)
Location: DWPStudios
Without further ado...I bring you my first blog for 2015. I hope you enjoy the image enough to like, comment and share this with your friends and family.
Rite Miles and the folks over at Charlotte Seen really know how to put on a fashion show.
This is my 3rd year covering Charlotte Fashion week and each year it gets bigger and better.
This year's theme was: Design...A Twist on Fashion
Event location: Audi at Northlake automall
Benefiting Levine Children's Hospital. For more information and how you can help CLICK HERE
Here's a few sample images from the show. Enjoy!
Not to mention, shooting film really forces you to slow down, plan out and frame your shot, make sure your settings are adjusted properly and then shoot. After all, you only have 24 exposures so you better make them count.
My friend and fellow photographer, James Thomas, allowed me to borrow one of his film cameras to begin my collection of black and white images.
Why black and white, you may ask?
I feel that black and white images allows the brain to see the image for what it is. Color naturally distracts the eye and draws you to one aspect of the image.
Join me as I share with you a few selected images from my very first roll of black and white film.
Shot with a Pentax K1000 using Premium Arista 400 (B&W) film
Cheers, DWP
"To see in color is a delight for the eye but to see in black and white is a delight for the soul" - Andri Cauldwell
Quick story - Gia Peebles is a great hair stylist and her resume runs for days. We have now worked together now on a handful of projects and each time we have produced some amazing images. This time was no different. However, Gia decided that instead of bringing on a makeup artist that she would do the makeup herself. Stating that before becoming a hair stylist, makeup was her first love. I was excited to see her stepping outside of her comfort zone and challenge herself for this project. Although she is extremely talented and often asked for my insight throughout the process, I sat back and watched her work and the end result speaks for itself. Way to go GIA!!
Our model for this project was Lindsey. Simply stated...Lindsey was awesome!
Hair/Makeup Artist: Gia Peebles owner of Aura Salon and Boutique
(Like them on Facebook...CLICK ME)
Model: Lindsey Carrier of Locke Management Agency
Location: DWPStudios
Lighting Setup: 2 large strip boxes (behind model) and 1 Octobox as the main light
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”
- Norman Vincent Peale
I'M BACK!!! I've been so overwhelmed with so many amazing projects that I haven't had a chance to blog in awhile. Thanks to everyone who read my last blog titled "CHASING DREAMS". The campaign is a doing rather well thanks to all of our supporters.
Well now I'm back and have so many experiences and so much awesomeness to share.
I will keep this one simple and sweet.
It was a BLAST to create, I made a complete mess of my studio (and house), but the end result turned out better than expected. #WINNING
Step One: Find a model that wasn't afraid to get dirty. I decided to ask Angela for many reasons. 1) she is AWESOME. 2) She is fun to work with 3) She didn't mind getting covered in flour. Although, after the first covering her facial expression said otherwise :) I think she actually said, "Dimitri, I HATE YOU". ok, maybe not out loud but her eyes pierced through me like hot daggers in a Quentin Tarantino flick.
Step Two: Cover everything in my studio with plastic to prevent getting dust everywhere. EPIC FAIL. I mean the worst EPIC Failure imaginable.
Step Three: Of course, I enlisted the services for hair/makeup from Ms. ICBEAUTY herself.
Step Four: In search for the perfect wardrobe, I knew that I wanted something fluffy to provide some dimension to the image. So I reached out to Lilu of LeLuna Star, an amazing designer here in the area and asked if she had anything that we could use. Luckily, she had the perfect red tutu to fit my idea. :)
Finally, a quick trip to target to grab some stockings. Funny story - photographers shopping for women clothing (specifically in the unmentionable area) of a department store tend to get the weirdest looks from passing female shoppers. I couldn't stop laughing at this one lady who walked past me 3 times and was dying to ask me if I needed help. So on her final pass I turned and said..."It's ok, I'm a PHOTOGRAPHER" the sense of relief on her face was priceless. HILARIOUS (well, at least to me).
My lighting setup:
Two AB800's, both coned and gridded on each side of the model to highlight the flour as it scattered.
Main light was a AB400 with a Octobox, boomed and aimed downward for a more dramatic effect.
Enough of my tangent...Enjoy the images!
Photographer: www.dimitriphotos.com
Hair/Makeup: Donnie of www.icbeautynu.com
Tutu provided by: Lilu for www.lelunastar.com
Model: Angela Liu
Assisted by: Ross Gassaway, Tessa Gibson (DWP intern) and Linsey Hall
Location: DWP Studios
HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE INVOLVED: Not Pictured: ROSS (Taking the pic) and DONNIE!! Couldn't have done it without you all!!!
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
This quote changed my life.
I honestly had not made the connection between the meaning behind my “CHASING DREAMS” campaign alongside that quote and the infamous “I have a DREAM” speech given by Dr. King until this moment, writing the blog. (It’s a complete sidebar but nonetheless INSPIRING and worth noting).
When we dissect the words of this campaign here is the meaning we are presented with:
“CHASING” – to pursue in order to catch.
“DREAMS” - successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep
“CHASING DREAMS” what does that mean to you? Have you really ever sat down and thought about it? I can honestly say that I haven’t until now. Photography was never a part of my “DREAM” and if you must know my ultimate “DREAM” was to be an architect and design amazing high-rise buildings. Well, we see how that turned out. Instead my life resulted in working as a software technician for a real estate software company, working my way up the corporate ladder over the course of 12 years. Now, I’m managing people with a minor in photography. Now how’s that for change? LOL
I reflect on where I am only to simply say this, “DREAMS” change and it is ok for them to change. Embrace failure, as it is a strong reality and confirmation that you’re trying. And through those failures you learn more about yourself and what it will take for you to achieve your "DREAMS".
“DREAMS” can be rather simple or immensely complex. There’s more to dreaming than just having a dream. It requires action, dedication, the will or simply the want to achieve that dream. Our parents can’t dream for us – we have to dream for ourselves. Whether its graduating college, owning your own business, being a great parent to your kids, getting out of debt, starting your own rescue mission, becoming a fashion designer, model, photographer, being a mentor, being a friend, be a husband, being a wife, reaching your fitness goals to live a healthier life…whatever your "DREAMS" are, do whatever it is to CHASE them. More importantly, INSPIRE others along the way. Allow your "DREAMS" to promote positivity in others.
I never dreamt of being where I am today as a photographer, but I am more thankful for the growth and the lives that I’ve been able to touch through this art. It was just a mere hobby in the beginning. But now to have someone say “Thank you for what you do, you’ve inspired me to follow my dream,” it’s the most profound feeling ever.
So I ask you my friends, what are your "DREAMS" and are you CHASING them? Share your story by commenting below. What you have been through may be the inspiration that someone else needs to begin his or her journey.
This campaign is bigger than you and I. It’s about fostering more positivity in our everyday lives and leading by example. It’s about teaching our kids of today that no "DREAMS" is out of their reach.
My name is Dimitri Williams, and I AM “CHASING DREAMS"
Join us in our campaign buy purchasing and wearing your "CHASING DREAMS" band proudly. Send us pictures of you wearing your band or Chasing Dreams shirts and via social media we will share it with all of our fans.
Click HERE to order
One of the best compliments that any photographer can receive is a "referral" from a previous client. Word of mouth is probably the best method of advertising for any business. Either one of two things will happen: they will rave about their personal experience, intriguing the potential client to seek out your services and take a look at your work, OR the conversation will go terribly bad. Luckily for me, I haven't heard to many terribly bad things about me. LOL
Well folks, meet Melissa. Melissa was a referral from a client that I've worked with on multiple occasions. Actually, if I recall correctly she was referred to me by two clients (#WINNING). She recently moved to the area and has been wanting to get back into modeling. After asking around, she decided to give me a call. Fast forward. After several conversations, tossing around thoughts and ideas and of course booking IC BEAUTY for the hair/makeup, we finally narrowed down a shoot date.
We decided to do a "pajama" themed shoot. Sooooo where do I begin? First off, I'm VERY selective about things that I shoot, as I don't want to fall into that MAXIM style photographer pool (no disrespect to those who are). I feel that to a degree your photography is just an extension of your thoughts. After all, it is your VISION...haha!! I really wanted to show that you can shoot certain things without it coming off as #RATCHET (www.urbandictionary.com) for those who don't understand the term.
What did we use for this shoot?
- Photographer (me)...Thanks captain obvious...LOL
- Make-up/hair stylist: Donnie of ICBeauty (www.icbeautynu.com) Twitter: @BeautyIC Instagram: @ICBeautyNC
- Model: Melissa
- Location: DWP Studios
- Equipment: (1)Alienbee 800, (1)Fotodiox Octobox triggered with PocketWizards and a round Silver reflector (for fill), Air mattress, $10 Tan sheet set from Wal-Mart (pillow cases included and once again I find myself ironing).
I asked Melissa to provide her feedback on her experience to share with you all.
"Dimitri and Donnie both made me feel like part of the team, encouraging me to share ideas and express myself during the photo shoot. Both are professional, fun, and easy to work with. Definitely FIRST CLASS in the field of Beauty and Photography. I felt at home in my pajamas with them at the shoot, all that was missing was my own bed :) I can't say enough about the amazing talent they both have, not only behind the camera and make-up brushes but also with people and models like myself." Melissa
Late Dec 2012 - Had a conversation with my makeup artist about possibly doing another body paint shoot with Katrice Clermont as I was getting bored with studio work, but this time lets incorporate a more high fashion theme. She agreed and reached out to Katrice to see if she would be interested in helping create this vision. She was definately on board and now the fun part...planning and organizing.
First, lets decided on the concept. Body paint mixed with fashion mixed with another amazing model dressed as a guy who will be admiring our lovely painted model. - Done!
Secondly, we have to find the perfect model for this theme. Well that's never an easy task as we all have high expectation and I tend to be very picky :) None the less, we put out a casting call to find the perfect models. After review, approx 30 candidates collectively we narrowed it down to two. Lauren Long (who we all love and have worked with several times before) and McKenzie. Unfortunately, for personal reasons McKenzie was not able to participate in this shoot. So now the fun begins - trying to find another model with only 4 days to the scheduled shoot date. Truth be told, yea I was freaking out a little...ok a lot. But that's how it goes in this business, nothing is always perfect and you always have to have a plan B or C. Once again, Katrice saved the day and reached out to a model (Becky Davis) that she has worked with previously and luckily she agreed and was available.Dimitri Meltdown avoided.
Finally, deciding on wardrobe and location. Luckily, Katrice was able to pull double duty as she is also a stylist. After a few facebook messages between the three of us (gotta love the group fb chat feature), we now have selected the overall look for both models, not to mention the perfect location which was the Metropolitan Mansion :) Donnie of IC Beauty came up with some amazing makeup and hair concepts that went perfectly with this theme. Kind of a retro/pin-up hair style in which we all instantly fell in love with.
Day of the shoot - January 19th 2013
9:30am - Becky and Katrice arrive onsite to begin the body painting.
12pm - DWP arrives onsite to begin setting up lighting and scoping out the location along with our second model Lauren.
1pm - IC Beauty arrives onsite to begin Hair/Makeup.
3pm - We are all fired up and ready to begin shooting. 6 hours of shooting and its a wrap :)
Now the fun part for the photographer begins. Processing and reviewing the images from our session. I must say that this was a hard one for me because with all the talent that was involved it was hard for me to narrow down what I felt where the best images. It wasn't any fault to the makeup/hair or body paint because they were outstanding. However, there were just several things that from a photography standpoint I would have done differently. At least i'm honest about it...LOL Hence the reason these images are just now being posted. I must say a HUGE thank you to Donnie and Katrice for believing in me and making me realize that I was just being hard on myself. You guys were a great support system and i truly appreciate it, more than I could ever express. So after 7 months of waiting I present to you a handful of my favorite images from our session. I hope you all enjoy them.
"This was an exciting project on so many different levels. It exhaled beauty, fashion, sophistication, vintage glam with a modern day spin. Bringing in body paint gave it an even more creative appeal. The team was amazing - great execution of concept." - Katrice Clermont
Always wanting to push our talents beyond the boundaries.
Photographer: Dimitri Williams Photography (DWP)
Hair/Makeup: Donnie of IC Beauty (www.icbeautynu.com)
Styling/Body Paint: Katrice Clermont of Katrice Clermont Body Paint Artistry (www.katriceclermont.com)
Models: Becky Davis (body painted) and Lauren Long
Roses & Thorns
(An artistic vision by IC Beauty and DWP)
One of the things I love about working with my team is that we all push each other to be more creative and challenge the limits of our talents. Outside of our day jobs, other clients, and the daily responsibilities of life, we make it a point to explore our creative sides.
My makeup/hair stylist (Donnie Whitsett, owner of IC BEAUTY) approached me with an idea that she wanted to execute. "I want to do a dark, simple, yet interesting grave yard photo shoot with a play on roses," she said. The concept was AMAZING and within a matter of minutes I was totally sold on the idea (BTW - this is not always the case...LOL) But it was something about this idea that really intrigued me. Maybe it was the challenge to do something a lil different than most typical graveyard shoots.
So what's needed to make this possible? I left all the details up to Donnie as this was her idea but was available for any assistance needed. She reached out and found the perfect model for this concept, mentally thought about how she wanted her vision to be portrayed to the audience, along with the wardrobe, and perfect location for the shoot. So what ended up being the perfect location? The Historic Oakwood Cemetery in Downtown Raleigh, a 150 year old confederate resting place with 102 acres of history.
I knew that I would need an assistant for this shoot so I reached out to a friend and fellow photographer Ross Gassaway of RossG Photography and asked him if he would join us. Having Ross onsite to assist me was a very integral part of this process. He contributed some AMAZING input as he could see and understand the vision.
Day of the Shoot
With all this "lovely" weather we've had lately it was the perfect equation...a mild dreary overcast day, mixed with an amazing makeup/hair stylist, perfect lighting assistant, awesome model, myself, and my Canon (5D Mark II), we set out to make MAGIC.
Saddened by the fact that the Krispy Kreme hot sign wasn't on, we made a quick pit stop by the gas station to grab a Snickers bar for the model, some chips and soda for the makeup artist, and of course my usual...two Lance honey buns and an orange soda. (Don't judge me)
As we arrived to the grave site, there we found a hungry Ross sitting in his car, enjoying his SUBWAY sandwich...EAT FRESHHHH my friend, EAT FRESH!!!!
After a quick drive around the graveyard to scout some potential location, it was time to get to work...
Couldn't have done this without my AMAZING TEAM!!!!
Photographer: Dimitri Williams for DWP (www.dimitriphotos.com)
Hair/Makeup: Donnie Whitsett for IC Beauty ([email protected])
Model: Angela Liu
Lighting Assistant: Ross Gassaway for RossG Photography (www.rossgphotography.com)
Final Images